Last Minute Tips for Science CBSE Class 10 Term 2 Exam

Saransh Varshney

 Hello guys, welcome back to your own blog Pareeksha Time. This article is for class 10 students. As your Term 2 exams are going on, and your science exam is going to be conducted on 10 May, 2022, here are some last minute tips for science exam to score maximum marks.

This article is divided into two parts. First part is for those students who have completed their whole syllabus and are searching for last minute revision tips. Second part is for those students who haven't studied even one chapter of class 10 Science term 2 syllabus.

Last Minute Revision Tips for Class 10 Term 2 Science Exam:-

So, as you have already completed your whole syllabus and are here for some revision tips, then here are some last minute revision tips for science exam.

Last Minute Revision Tips for Biology Class 10 Term 2:

  • Revise those notes written by you. If you need notes, then come fast on our telegram channel.
  • Give time to each important diagram. Learn each name related to it and its functions.

Last Minute Revision Tips for Chemistry Class 10 Term 2:

  • Make your focus towards the periodic table. Most probably, in class 10th, elements till atomic number 30 will be asked. So prepare them well. Also learn all the laws given in the beginning of the chapter.
  • In Carbon and it's Compounds chapter, read all the reactions. Most importantly, study the covalent bonding as it is a vast topic.

Last Minute Revision Tips for Physics Class 10 Term 2:

  • In Physics, solve as many numericals as you can. Like questions of circuits, resistors, current, etc.
  • In the chapter Magnetic Effects of Current, grasp the concepts from the basic level to advanced level.

Last Minute Tips for Class 10 Term 2 Science Exam:-

These tips are for those students who haven't touched their Class 10 Science book for Term 2 preparation. 

In this section, one common tip can be-

  • Firstly, read complete notes of all chapters thoroughly and with full focus. Then, go through the short notes. Do this for each chapter. 

Last Minute Tips for Biology Class 10 Term 2:

  • Revise diagrams only. Try to make diagrams with writing each part's name. If you don't know answer of any question, then just make the diagram of the term given in question.(Note that the question must be relayed to that diagram)

Last Minute Tips for Chemistry Class 10 Term 2:

  • Take a look at the periodic table. Read the from NCERT (not too deeply). For Carbon and it's Compounds, depend upon the short notes.

Last Minute Tips for Physics Class 10 Term 2:

  • Don't jump directly on the numericals until you haven't studied the theory sufficiently for the numericals. To gain maximum marks in physics of you haven't studied the syllabus. Try to focus on theory as it has more probability to score marks than numericals.
So guys, these were some tips for class 10 Science term 2 exam. Hope you liked them.

Important Information:-

If anyone need any type of material like complete chapter notes, short notes, mind maps, formulae sheets, diagrams sheet, etc. for free, then you can join Pareeksha Time Telegram Channel.


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