Sectors of the Indian Economy MCQs Class 10 2021-22 | MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Sectors of the Indian Economy with Answers

Saransh Varshney

 Hello guys, welcome to your own blog 'Pareeksha Time'. In this article, you will read CBSE Class 10 Social Science Economics MCQs of Chapter 2. You will read Sectors of the Indian Economy MCQs for Term-1 Board Exams 2021-22.

Now, Board Exams are divided into two terms; Term-1 & Term-2. In Term-1 Board Exams, only MCQ type questions will be asked. 

So you have to practice MCQs of all chapters of your syllabus.

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Sectors of the Indian Economy MCQs|MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Sectors of the Indian Economy with Answers:-

1. Which of the following examples does not fall under unorganized sector?
(a) A farmer irrigating his field.
(b) A daily wage labourer working for a contractor.
(c) A doctor in a hospital treating a patient.
(d) A handloom weaver working on a loom in her house.

Answer: (c) A doctor in a hospital treating a patient.

2. The task of measuring GDP is undertaken by the
(a) central government
(b) state government
(c) provincial government
(d) all of the above

Answer: (a) central government

3. Choose the correct meaning of organised sector.
(a) It covers those enterprises where the terms of employment are not regular.
(b) It is outside the control of the government.
(c) Jobs are not regular.
(d) It provides low salaries.

Answer: (a) It covers those enterprises where the terms of employment are not regular.

4. Name one functioning activity of the Tertiary sector?

A. goods that are produced would need to be transported by trucks or trains and then sold in wholesale and retail shops
B. this sector gradually became associated with the different kinds of industries
C. activities in which natural products are changed into other forms through ways of manufacturing
D. produce a good by exploiting natural resources

Answer: A. goods that are produced would need to be transported by trucks or trains and then sold in wholesale and retail shops

5. NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act of 2005) has guaranteed ………. days of employment in a year in many districts of India. What are the correct number of days?
(a) 200 days
(b) 100 days
(c) 30 days
(d) 60 days

Answer: (b) 100 days

6. The motive of public sector enterprises is:
(a) Profit making
(b) Entertainment
(c) Social welfare and security
(d) None of the above

Answer: (c) Social welfare and security

7. The economy is classified into public and private sectors on the basis of :
(a) employment conditions
(b) the nature of economic activity
(c) ownership of enterprises
(d) number of workers employed in the enterprise

Answer: (c) ownership of enterprises

8. Which of these can be considered as basic services?

A. Growing of wheat
B. Transport
C. Storage
D. Police station

Answer: D. Police station

9. The service sector includes activities such as
(a) agriculture, dairy, fishing and forestry
(b) making sugar, gur and bricks
(c) transport, communication and banking
(d) none of these

Answer: (c) transport, communication and banking

10. In which type of unemployment more people are employed than required?
(a) seasonal unemployment
(b) disguised unemployment
(c) educated unemployment
(d) all the above

Answer: (b) disguised unemployment

So guys here comes end. In this article, I shared 10 Sectors of the Indian Economy MCQs of CBSE Class 10 Economics MCQs 2021-22. 

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