20+ Power Sharing MCQs Class 10 2021-22 | MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Power Sharing with Answers

Saransh Varshney

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Power Sharing with Answers

Hello guys, welcome to your own blog 'Pareeksha Time'. In this article, you will read CBSE Class 10 Social Science Civics MCQs of Chapter 1. You will read Power Sharing MCQs for Term-1 Board Exams 2021-22.

Now, Board Exams are divided into two terms; Term-1 & Term-2. In Term-1 Board Exams, only MCQ type questions will be asked. 

So you have to practice MCQs of all chapters of your syllabus.

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Power Sharing MCQs|MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science Power Sharing with Answers:-

1. In dealing with power sharing, which one of the following statements is NOT correct about democracy?
(a) People are the source of all political power. !
(b) In a democracy, people rule themselves j through institutions of self-governance.
(c) In a democracy, due respect is given to diverse groups and views that exist in a society.
(d) In a democracy, if the power to decide is dispersed, it is not possible to take quick decisions and enforce them.

Answer: (d) In a democracy, if the power to decide is dispersed, it is not possible to take quick decisions and enforce them.

2. Power struggle demanding separate Eelam was launched by:
(a) Sinhalese 
(b) Buddhists
(c) Tamilians 
(d) none of these
Ans : (c) Tamilians

3. Prudential Reason of Power Sharing stresses more on:

(a) Reducing the possibility of conflict between various social groups
(b) A fair chance to minority
(c) Bringing stability in the political order
(d) All of the Above
Ans- (d) All of the Abov

4. Who elects the community government in Belgium?
(a) People belonging to one language community only
(b) By the leader of Belgium
(c) The citizens of the whole country
(d) The community leaders to Belgium

Answer: (a) People belonging to one language community only

5. Consider the following statements about the
ethnic composition of Sri Lanka:
A. Major social groups are the Sinhala- speaking (74%) and Tamil-speaking (18%)?
B. Among the Tamils, there are two sub-groups, Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils.
C. There are about 7% Christians, who are both Tamil and Sinhala.
D. Most of the Sinhala-speaking are Hindus or Muslims and most of the Tamil-speaking are Buddhists.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) A, B, C
(b) A, B, D
(c) B, C, D
(d) A, B, C, D

Answer: (a) A, B, C

6. Where power is shared among different organs of government, such as the legislature, executive and judiciary, what is the functioning of this system called?

A. Horizontal system
B. system of checks and balances
C. System of shared duties
D. System of limited power

Answer: B. system of checks and balances

7. Non-sharing of power leads to
(a) peace among all the communities
(b) tyranny of the majority and oppression of the minority
(c) negation of the very spirit of democracy
(d) both (b) and (c)

Answer: (d) both (b) and (c)

8. The ‘community government’ is elected by people belonging to one language community – Dutch, French and German-speaking. What powers does it hold?

A. Cultural, educational and language-related issues.
B. Political issues
C. Defence related issues
D. All of the above

Answer: A. Cultural, educational and language-related issues

9. A system of ‘checks and balances’ is another name for which one of the following power-sharing arrangements:
(a) Power sharing among different social groups.
(b) Vertical division of power or power shared among different levels of government.
(c) Horizontal division of power or power shared among different organs of the government.
(d) Power sharing in the form of political parties, pressure groups and governments

Answer: (c) Horizontal division of power or power shared among different organs of the government.

10. Which language was declared as the only official language of Sri Lanka by an Act passed in 1956?
(a) Tamil
(b) Sinhala
(c) Hindi
(d) English

Answer: (b) Sinhala

11. Identify the major social group that constituted the largest share in the population of Sri Lanka.

(a) Sri Lankan Tamils
(b) Indian Tamils
(c) Muslims
(d) Sinhalas
Ans- (d) Sinhalas

12. The word ‘ethnic’ signifies:
(a) different religions.
(b) social division on shared culture.
(c) a violent conflict between opposite groups.
(d) a careful calculation of gains and losses.

Answer: (b) social division on shared culture.

13. In which part of Sri Lanka are the Sri Lankan Tamils concentrated?
(a) North and South
(b) North and East
(c) East and West
(d) South and East

Answer: (b) North and East

14. Consider the following statements about the
ethnic composition of Sri Lanka:
A. Major social groups are the Sinhala- speaking (74%) and Tamil-speaking (18%)?
B. Among the Tamils, there are two sub-groups, Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils.
C. There are about 7% Christians, who are both Tamil and Sinhala.
D. Most of the Sinhala-speaking are Hindus or Muslims and most of the Tamil-speaking are Buddhists.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) A, B, C
(b) A, B, D
(c) B, C, D
(d) A, B, C, D

Answer: (a) A, B, C

15. A belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority is:
(a) Power Sharing
(b) Central Government
(c) Majoritarianism
(d) Community Government

Answer: (c) Majoritarianism

16. Consider the following two statements on power sharing and select the answer using the codes given below:
1. Power sharing is good for democracy.
2. It helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups.
Which of these statements are true and false?

A. 1 is true but 2 is false
B. Both 1 and 2 are true
C. Both 1 and 2 are false
D. 1 is false but 2 is true

Answer: B. Both 1 and 2 are true

17. Which of the following was not one of the initial demands of the Sri Lankan Tamils?
(a) Recognition of Tamil as an official language
(b) Regional autonomy
(c) Equality of opportunity in securing jobs and education
(d) Creation of an independent Tamil Eelam (state)

Answer: (d) Creation of an independent Tamil Eelam (state)

18. Which Constitution was amended four times between 1970 and 1993?

(a) Belgium Constitution
(b) Sri Lankan Constitution
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of these

Answer: (a) Belgium Constitution

19. Give an example of horizontal distribution of power?

A. governments at the provincial or regional level.
B. legislature, executive and judiciary
C. among different social groups
D. political parties, pressure groups and movements

Answer: B. legislature, executive and judiciary

20. Power sharing is desirable because it helps:
(a) To increase pressure on government.
(b) To reduce possibilities of conflicts.
(c) To generate awareness among people.
(d) To increase percentage of voters.

Answer: (b) To reduce possibilities of conflicts

21. Which one of the following is not a valid reason for power sharing?
(a) for majoritarianism
(b) being part and parcel of democracy
(c) to reduce tensions
(d) for political stability

Answer: (a) for majoritarianism

So guys here comes end. In this article, I shared 20+ Power Sharing MCQs of CBSE Class 10 Civics MCQs 2021-22. 

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